размер шрифта
цвета сайта
The structure and Workload

Theme 1. History of dentistry. Caries, pulpitis, periodontitis.

Form conducting - a practical lesson, interactive form-business games: work in small groups.


1. Etiology of caries.

2. Classification of caries.

3. The main and additional methods for examining a dental patient with dental caries.

4. Clinic of caries.

5. General and local treatment of caries. Prevention of caries.

6. Etiology of pulpitis.

7. Classification of pulpitis.

8. Clinic of acute pulpitis, exacerbated chronic pulpitis.

9. Clinic of chronic pulpitis.

10. Methods of anesthesia of pulp.

11. Methods of treating pulpitis.


Test questions for independent work.

1. The etiology of periodontitis.

2. Classification of periodontitis.

3. Methods for the diagnosis of periodontitis.

4. Clinic of acute apical periodontitis, exacerbated chronic periodontitis.

5. Clinic of chronic periodontitis.

6. The main stages of treatment of periodontitis.

7. Ways of outflow of exudate.


Theme  2. Diseases of periodontal and oral mucosa.

Form conducting - a practical lesson, interactive form-business games: work in small groups.


1. The main signs of periodontitis.

2. The main research methods of a patient with periodontal disease.

3. Additional research methods.

4. Clinical and radiological signs of the chronic course of periodontitis.

5. General principles for the treatment of periodontitis patients.

6. Local and general treatment of periodontitis.

7. Indications for the use of stimulating therapy.

8. Physical treatments for periodontitis.

9. Definition of gingivitis.

10. Classification of gingivitis.

11. Etiology of gingivitis.

12. Clinic, treatment, prevention of various forms of gingivitis.

13. Physical factors used in the treatment of gingivitis.

14. The main clinical symptoms of periodontal disease.

15. Clinic, treatment of periodontal disease.

16. Physical treatments for periodontal disease.

17. The essence of the medical examination.

18. The tasks of the medical examination.

19. Etiology of periodontitis.

20. Classification of periodontitis.

21. Methods for the diagnosis of periodontitis.

22. Clinic of acute apical periodontitis, exacerbated chronic periodontitis.

23. Clinic of chronic periodontitis.

24. The main stages of treatment of periodontitis.

25. Ways of outflow of exudate.


Test questions for independent work.

1. Etiology of herpes infection.

2. The main clinical symptoms of acute and chronic herpetic stomatitis.

3. Methods of treating a patient with herpetic stomatitis.

4. Prevention of herpes infection


Theme  3. Inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region.

Form conducting - a practical lesson, interactive form-business games: work in small groups.


1. Etiology and pathogenesis of acute periostitis.

2. Symptomatology of acute periostitis.

3. Treatment of acute periostitis.

4. Physical treatments.

5. Prevention of acute periostitis.

1. Etiology and pathogenesis of osteomyelitis.

2. Classification of osteomyelitis.

3. Clinical characteristics of the abscess and phlegmon of the maxillofacial region.

4. Principles of treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the maxillofacial region.

5. Conservative and surgical methods for the treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the maxillofacial region.

6. Rehabilitation of patients.

7. Clinic of acute, subacute and chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis.

8. Treatment of odontogenic osteomyelitis.

9. Physiotherapy of odontogenic osteomyelitis.

10. Anatomy of the lymphatic system of the face.

11. Classification of lymphadenitis.

12. Etiology of lymphadenitis.

13. Clinic of lymphadenitis.

14. Treatment of lymphadenitis.


Test questions for independent work.

1. Retention of teeth, clinical manifestations.

2. Etiology of difficult eruption of the lower wisdom tooth.

3. Pericoronaritis. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment.

4. Indications and contraindications for tooth extraction.

5. Types of pain relief.

6. Conduction anesthesia of the upper and lower jaws.

7. Complications of local anesthesia.

8. Tools for removing teeth.

9. Etiology of odontogenic sinusitis.

10. Diagnosis of odontogenic sinusitis.

11. Treatment and prevention of odontogenic sinusitis.


Theme   4. Injuries to the maxillofacial region.

Form conducting - a practical lesson, interactive form-business games: work in small groups.


1. Types of fractures of the lower and upper jaws.

2. Features of the examination of victims with injuries of soft tissues and facial bones.

3. The mechanism of displacement of fragments.

4. Clinic of fractures of the lower jaw.

5. Clinic of fractures of the upper jaw.

6. Temporary transport immobilization.

7. Complications of fracture of the lower and upper jaws.

8. Methods for permanent fixation of jaw fragments.

9. Tooth wire tires.

10. The basic principles of surgical treatment of facial wounds.

11. Clinic and treatment of nasal fractures.

12. Clinic and treatment of fracture of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch.


Test questions for independent work.

1. Care for patients with damage to soft tissues and facial bones.

2. Clinic and treatment of dislocation of the lower jaw

3. Complications of fractures.


Theme. 5. Congenital malformations of the lips and palate. Types of bite.

Form conducting - a practical lesson, interactive form-business games: work in small groups.


1. cleft lip. Classification, clinic, diagnosis treatment.

2. The cleft palate. Classification, clinic, diagnosis treatment.


Test questions for independent work.

Types of bite.


Theme 6. Benign and malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region.

Form conducting - a practical lesson, interactive form-business games: work in small groups.


1. Classification of benign tumors of the maxillofacial region.

2. Clinic and treatment of odontogenic benign tumors.

3. Clinic and treatment of non-odontogenic benign tumors.


Test questions for independent work.

1. Clinical manifestations and treatment of cancer of the skin of the face and lips.

2. The frequency, characteristics of the clinical course and treatment of cancer of the oral cavity.

3. Clinic, treatment of cancer of the upper jaw.

4. Clinic, treatment of cancer of the lower jaw.

5. Jaw sarcoma, clinic, treatment.
