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Методические рекомендации для работы с иностранными студентами

Темы занятий.

Unit 1. State: concept, attributes, forms


Unit 2. The essence, principles, functions and basic elements of the Law


Unit 3. Basics of Constitutional Law


Unit 4. Basics of Criminal Law

Unit 5. Basics of Administrative Law


Unit 6. Basics of Environmental Law


Unit 7. Basics of Civil Law

Unit 8. Basics of labor law


Unit 9. Basics of  family law


Темы лекций.

1. A comparative analysis of the various theories of the origin of the state: the patriarchal, theological, contractual, organic, theory of violence, a Marxist, Neolithic, psychological and others.

2. The concepts and components of the form of the State.

3. The concept of Law. The system of normative legal acts in Russia.

4. Constitution: concept and general characteristics.

5. The basic concepts of criminal law. The concept of crime.

6. The concept of criminal responsibility. The system of criminal penalties.

7. Environmental law as a branch of law.

8. The concept of civil law and its principles. Characteristics of the main elements of the system of civil law.

9. Labor Law as a branch of law. Protection of labor rights.


Перечень практических навыков.

The course is aimed at the following competences

PK-1 - is able and willing to implement ethical and deontological aspects of medical practice in dealing with colleagues, the average and younger medical personnel, children and young people, their parents and relatives;

PK-4 - able and willing to analyze the results of its own activities in order to prevent medical errors, while being aware of disciplinary, administrative, civil or criminal liability.

The proposed results of the course:

Students are:

- to know

- Basic terminology of the discipline;

- Sources of law of the Russian Federation;

- Main provisions of the constitutional, criminal, administrative, civil, family, labor and environmental law;

- to be able to

- Operate freely corresponding concepts;

- Correctly interpret and apply the laws and other normative legal acts;

- Be able to make decisions and take certain actions in strict accordance with the law;

- to be skilled at

- The application of regulations;

- Analysis of different legal effects, the legal facts, law and legal relations.


Вопросы к зачету.

1. Concept and characteristics of the state.

2. The nature and functions of the state.

3. The theory of the origin of the state.

4. The concept and content of the form of the state.

5. The board of Thomas: concept, content.

6. Form of government: the concept of content.

7. State (political) mode: concept, content.

8. The rule of law and civil society.

9. Right: concept, features and identity. The relationship of the state and law.
10. Ratio of law and morality.

11. The concept and features of legal norms

12. The structure of the legal norm.

13. The forms (sources) of law: concept and types.

14. The system of law, the legal system, the legislative system: concept, value.

15. The concept and structure of the offense.

16. Legal liability: concepts, principles and types.

17. Law and order.

18. Constitutional law as a branch of law: subject, methods, sources.

19. The essence of the Constitution. Types of Constitutions.

20. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation.

21. The system of state power in the Russian Federation.

22. The system of fundamental rights, freedoms and responsibilities.

23. Guarantees of Human Rights.

24. Criminal law as a branch of law: concept, subject, method, system.

25. The principles of criminal law.

26. Application of criminal law in time.

27. Application of criminal law in space.

28. The concept and elements of a crime.

29. The categories of crimes.

30. Criminal liability: concept, forms of implementation.

31. Criminal responsibility.

32. Criminal penalties: concept, purpose, types.

33. Fine.

34. Deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities.
35. Deprivation of special, military or honorary title, class rank and state awards.

36. Compulsory work.

37. Corrective works.

38. Restriction on military service.

39. Restrictions on freedom.

40. Arrest.

41. The deprivation of liberty for a period.

42. Life imprisonment.

43. Death penalty.

44. Administrative law as a branch of law: subject, methods, sources.

45. Administrative responsibility. Types of administrative punishments.

46. Limitation of bringing to administrative responsibility.

47. An administrative fine.

48. The confiscation of the instrument or subject of an administrative offense.

49. Deprivation of a special right.

50. Administrative arrest.

51. Administrative deportation from the Russian Federation of a foreign citizen or stateless person.

52. State secrets.

53. The official and commercial secrets.

54. Environmental law as a branch of law: subject, methods, sources.

55. Responsibility for environmental offenses: concept and types.

56. Civil law as a branch of law: subject, methods, principles and sources.

57. Сivil relations: concept, content.

58. Citizens as subjects of civil law.

59. Legal entities: concept and characters.

60. The objects of civil rights (property, belongings).

61. The objects of civil rights (services and information).

62. The implementation and protection of civil rights.

63. Intellectual property rights.

64. Enforcement of obligations.

65. Responsibility for the violation of obligations.

66. General provisions of inheritance law.

67. Labor Law as a branch of law: subject, methods, sources.

68. The employment contract: concept, content, types.

69. Disciplinary responsibility.

70. Test for employment.

71. The concept of working time. Normal working hours. Reduced working hours.

72. The duration of daily work (shift).

73. Night work.

74. Overtime.

75. The Family Law as a branch of law: subject, methods, sources.

76. Marriage.

77. Divorce.

78. The rights and responsibilities of spouses.

79. The rights and duties of parents and children.

80. Restoration of parental rights.

81. Alimony obligations.

82. The agreement on the payment of alimony.


Список литературы для подготовки к занятиям

a) Core reading

1. Bratanovsky, S.N. Theory of State and Law / Electronic resource /: a tutorial. - Saratov: electronic library system IPRbooks, 2012. - 248 p. - EBS IPRbooks
2. Law: Textbook / Ed. A.V. Malko. - 5th ed. - M .: KNORUS, 2012. - 400 p.
3. Rassolov, M.M. Theory of State and Law / Electronic resource /: a textbook. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2013. - 575 p. - EBS IPRbooks

4. Raw, V.M. Theory of State and Law / Electronic resource /: a textbook. - M .: Yustitsinform, 2012. - 704 p. - EBS IPRbooks


b) Supplementary reading

An introduction to legal Systems /Ed. Ъу J.D.M.Derett. J. j Sweet and Maxwell. 1968. Ш. 203 p.

American law and constitutional order. L. Harvard univ. press. 1988. XV. 581 p.

Bennion P. Statute law. L.: Oyez. 1980. XXII. 276 p.

Buchland W., Mclfair A. Roman law and Common law. 2-d ed. L. 1965. XIX. 353 p.

Butler W.E. Soviet law. London. Butterworths. 1983. XI. 374 p.

Caengem R. The birth of the English Common law. Cambridge. 1973. VII. 160 p.

Cook C. The American codification movement. Westport. 1981. XI. 234 p.

Coulson H. History of Islamic law. L. 1964. 373 p.

Cross R. Statutory interpretation. L. 1976. XIII. 197 p.

Derrett J. Essays in classical and modern Hindu Law. Leiden. ВШ1.1978. 371 p.

Derrett J., Duncan J. History of Indian law. Leiden. Brill. 1973. 39 p.

Eddey K. The English legal system. 4th ed. L. Sweet A. Maxwell. 1987. XVI. 196 p.

Formations of Contracts. A Study of the Common Core of Legal Systems /Ed. R.B.Schlesinger. N.Y.j London: Oceana Dobbs Perry? Stevens. 1968. Vol.1, XV. 910 p.? Vol.2. XIV. 911 1727 p.

Glos G.E. Comparative Law. Littleton, Colo: Rothman. 1979. XXXIII. 787 p.

Graveson R. One law: On jurisprudence and the unification of law. Selected essays. Amsterdam etc.: North-Holland publ. со. 1977. Vol.2. XVI. 287 p.

Gutteridge H.C. Comparative Law. An Introduction to the Comparative Method of Legal Study and research. 2-е ed. Cambridge: Univ.press. 1949. 214 p.

Kagan, K.Kahana. Three great systems of jurisprudence. With a forew. Ъу H.G.Hanbury. London: Stevens. 1955. XII. 199 p.

Ehadduri M. The Islamic conception of justice. L. Johns Hopkins univ. press. 1984. XVI. 256 p.

Legal development and comparative law. Evolution du droit et droit сотрагё: Sel.essays for the Ilth intern, congr. of comparative law / Ed. by P^teri Z.a.Lamm V. Budapest: Akad. kiado. 1982. 366 p.

Liebesny H. Materials on Comparative Law. Wash. 1976. 478 p.

Mehren A., Gordley P. The Civil Law System. An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Law. ed. Boston. Toronto. Jittie. Brown and Company. 1977. XXIII. 1243 p.

Murphy W.F., Tanenhaus J. Comparative Constitutional Law. Cases and Commentaries. Hew York. St.Martin's press. 1977. XIII. 754 p.

Hazard J.N. Development and "New Law" // The University of Chicago Law Review. 1978. Vol.45. Ш 3. P.637-652.

Savitsky V. Constitutional Fundamentals of Justice System // General report to the 10 th International Congress of Comparative Law. Budapest. 1981. P.691-706.

Tumanov V.A. Philosophy of Law and Comparative Law // Methodological problems of Jurisprudence. Moscow. 1983. P.35-37.

