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  1. Methods of examination of a patient with a dermatological profile.
  2. Secondary morphological elements of the rash. Their characteristic.
  3. Blood supply and innervation of the skin.
  4. The most common dosage forms used in dermatovenerology for external therapy (lotions, powder, shaken mixtures, pastes, ointments, creams, patches, varnishes).
  5. Exudative morphological elements of rashes.
  6. Primary morphological elements of the rash.
  7. The concept of the rash and its types.
  8. Sweat glands, their functions, structure. List the diseases of the sweat glands.
  9. Signs of acute and chronic skin inflammation.
  10. Sebaceous glands, their functions, structure. List the diseases of the sebaceous glands.
  11. Hair and hair follicle, their structure. List the diseases of the hair.
  12. Structure of the dermis.
  13. The structure of the epidermis.
  14. Skin functions.
  15. Nails, their structure. The main diseases of the nails.
  16. Warts. Etiology, clinical forms, their characteristics, treatment.
  17. Genital warts, differential diagnosis with wide condylomas, treatment, prevention.
  18. Acne vulgaris. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, treatment, prevention.
  19. True eczema. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, treatment.
  20. Contact allergic dermatitis. Classification of irritants, pathogenesis, clinic, treatment.
  21. Lupus erythematosus. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinic, treatment, medical examination.
  22. Red flat lichen. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, atypical forms, treatment, prevention.
  23. Microbial eczema. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical forms, their characteristics, treatment.
  24. Atopic dermatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, concept about atopy, clinic, treatment, medical examination.
  25. Dermatomycosis (epidermophytosis and rubromycosis). Etiology, epidemiology, clinical forms, treatment, prevention.
  26. Simple herpes. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, treatment.
  27. Herpes zoster. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, treatment.
  28. Streptodermia. Classification, clinical picture of various forms, treatment, prevention.
  29. Pink acne. Etiology, pathogenesis, the role of demodex mite, clinical forms, their characteristics, principles of treatment.
  30. Pink lichen. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, treatment.
  31. Scleroderma. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, treatment, medical examination.
  32. Toxicoderma. Focal and widespread forms. Etiology, clinic, treatment.
  33. Herpetiform dermatitis of Dühring. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, treatment.
  34. Microsporia. Etiology, epidemiology, classification, clinical characteristics of lesions of the scalp and smooth skin, diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
  35. Kandidamikoz skin and mucous membranes. Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, treatment, prevention.
  36. Pityriasis (multicolored) deprive. Etiology, pathogenesis, predisposing factors, clinic, treatment, prevention.
  37. Pemphigoid (non-acantholytic pemphigus). Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, principles of treatment.
  38. Staphyloderma. Classification, clinical picture of various forms, treatment, prevention.
  39. Psoriasis. Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, seasonality, clinic, atypical forms, treatment.
  40. Scabies. Etiology, epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
  41. Pediculosis. Classification. Etiology, epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
  42. Trichophytosis. Etiology, epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
  43. Pale treponema, its morphological and biological features.
  44. Congenital syphilis. The path of transmission to the offspring, social importance, classification, organization of the struggle.
  45. The secondary period of syphilis. Classification, duration, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment.
  46. Clinical characteristics of atypical forms of solid chancre, its varieties. Differential diagnosis, treatment.
  47. Clinical characteristics of a typical solid chancre, its varieties, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  48. Treatment of syphilis (specific, preventive, preventive, trial). The main groups of anti-syphilitic drugs. Criterion of cure.
  49. Public and personal prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
  50. The primary period of syphilis. Classification, clinical manifestations, laboratory diagnostics, treatment.
  51. Late congenital syphilis. Reliable, probable signs, dystrophy. Prevention.
  52. Serodiagnosis of syphilis. Clinical significance of serological reactions (DAC, RIT, RIF, IFA).
  53. Tertiary tubercular syphilis. Clinical varieties, their characteristics, differential diagnosis.
  54. Tertiary tertiary syphilis. Clinical varieties, their characteristics, differential diagnosis.
  55. Syphilis of infancy, damage to the skin, mucous membranes, bones, nervous system. Treatment, prevention.
  56. Bacterial vaginosis (Gardnerellosis). Etiology, epidemiology, clinic, treatment, prevention.
  57. Gonorrhea. The causative agent, its morphological and biological features of the disease. Classification of gonorrhea.
  58. Clinical manifestations of HIV infection on the skin. Classification of Kaposi's sarcoma. Prevention.
  59. Uncomplicated gonorrhea of the lower urinary tract. Topic diagnosis, clinic, treatment.
  60. Complications rear gonococcal urethritis: prostatitis (classification clinic), orchiepididymitis, vesiculitis, cystitis, their clinical features, treatment.
  61. Complications of anterior gonococcal urethritis: paruretic, periurethral, Titanic, balanitis, balanoposthitis, letterit, morganite, couperet, their clinic lechenie.
  62. Trichomoniasis. Etiology, epidemiology, clinic, treatment, prevention.
  63. Mycoplasma infection of the genitals. Etiology, epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
  64. Clamidiosis. Etiology, epidemiology, clinic, treatment.